Take It To The Box

Safe Use. Safe Storage. Safe Disposal.

We are working with the Meeker County Sheriff’s Office to reduce access to prescription medications. We kicked off the “Take It To The Box” medication disposal program in April 2012. This program will work on eliminating unwanted, unused, and expired medications from medicine cabinets.

So far the program has collected over 1300 lbs of medications.

By eliminating these pills from households we aim to reduce the misuse and abuse of prescription medications.

Take it to the BoxDrop Box Locations

Meeker County Sheriff’s Office
Main Lobby
326 North Ramsey Ave
Litchfield, MN 55355

Available 24 hours 7 days a week


Dassel City Hall
Sheriff’s Station
460 3rd Street N
Dassel, MN 55325

Available during regular business hours

Click here if you would like to download a printable flyer with the drop off locations.