Help Prevent Underage Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Use in Litchfield
A new survey being distributed to 1,000 local households is part of an five-year effort to reduce youth alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use among youth in the Litchfield area. The survey, sponsored by the Litchfield Area Rural Partnership in Prevention (LARPP) Coalition, will ask community adults about their attitudes and opinions regarding youth substance use.
“This survey will help guide our efforts to keep local youth healthy and safe, Adults who respond can have a real impact on the prevention of underage alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use. I’m hoping we can count on everyone who receives it to fill it out.”
Ed Cowley, LARPP Coalition Chair
Recipients of the survey will also receive a $5 Gift Certificate to Econofoods. “We wanted to find a way to encourage people to complete the survey, and to thank them for their time in doing so,” Cathy Michaud, LARPP Coalition Vice-Chair said.
The surveys will be mailed the week of February 22nd, 2016. They can be identified by the circular ‘Community Survey’ symbol on the outside of the envelopes. The survey is funded by the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division.
Please contact Diane Winter with any questions you may have on this important survey effort.
(320) 693-5373
Email Diane