Hey Students! We need your help!
Would you like to take part in teaching our community the difference between what they “believe” students (aka, you and your friends) are doing, and what they ARE “actually” doing when it comes to alcohol use? If so we NEED your help! Get involved with our UBU Youth Group and help spread the word and change our community’s perceptions. As part of the UBU Youth Group you will be a part of fun activities and events, and have an opportunity to meet with other peers who know how to have fun without the pressures of alcohol or other drugs. Contact your school counselor to get signed up today, or Contact Us with any questions.
Looking for Something to Do?
If you are looking for something to keep you busy and entertained, make sure to check out the events and activities being offered through Community Education. Visit their website to see what is currently be offered.
Click here for FAQ’s about Minors & Responsibilities