As parents, we all understand the pivotal role we shape in our children’s education and future. What we don’t always know is how to communicate our thoughts and values with our kids in a way that we know they understand, especially when it comes to the tricky subject of alcohol and drug use. Below you will find, what we hope are helpful resources for making the lines of communication a little bit easier.
Click here for FAQ’s about Minors & ResponsibilitiesDrug Guide for Parents App from Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids now has a convenient mobile app for their complete Drug Guide for Parents that is available for both Android and iPhone platforms. This valuable reference guide is free and provides information, photos, effects, slang terms, and more on a wide range of drugs that teens may encounter or abuse, and also includes links to support including their Helpline.
To download the app, simply use the buttons below to be directed to the appropriate app store or visit the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids website.
A Family Guide to Keeping Your Teens Drug-Free
This short and simple booklet provides you with the signs and symptoms to look for with Drug use, as well as ideas for how to bring up conversations with your teen, discuss risky situations, recommendations for setting rules, and more. It is a great resource, and one we highly encourage you to download.
Please note due to the large file size, it may take a while to download, so be patient.
Or request your own paper copy here:
Conversation Starters for Parents
Not sure what to say, or where to start? The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids has developed some great conversation starters and tips for parents, including the following Marijuana Talk Kit:
For additional information and tools developed by the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, please visit their website:
Need help starting a conversation about underage drinking? “Talk. They Hear You.” is an application that helps parents learn how to talk to kids about the dangers of alcohol. Click on the link below to learn more.
Keep Your Teen Safe…In 15 Minutes with Teen Safe
Learn How to keep your child safe in just 15 minutes. Teen Safe is a unique and simple website that walks you through how to protect your teenagers life, health, and future in 15 short minutes.
Implement Protective Factors.
Protective factors, are factors which when present in a child’s life reduce the potential for drug and alcohol use and abuse. By implement these protective factors you are helping to promote positive behavior, health, well-being, and personal success for your children. Learn how you can help take action with 2 key protective factors below:
Simply Learn More About Adolescent Substance Abuse with Ceasar.
The Center for Adolescent Substance Abuse Research (CeASAR) at Children’s Hospital was created as a national research center committed to reducing substance abuse and related disorders in children and adolescents. CeASAR strives to be the leading source of new discoveries in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of substance related disorders in children and adolescents. Their website does a good job of providing you with an overview of adolescent substance abuse, as well as other useful tools and resources.
Student Health Infographic from Drugwatch
Drugwatch put together an infographic about common threats to students health. Click the button below to view.
Student Health Infographic